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tv   The Five  FOX News  October 11, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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hello, everyone, i'm kimberly guifoyle. it is 5:00 in new york city. and this is "the five." we have a jam-packed show. the one and only megan kelly will be here to talk about her new prime-time smash hit the kelly file and much more. first, there may have been a break through in washington today on day 11 of the washington shutdown. the president met with republicans in the senate earlier today. he just spoke with john boehner. ed henry has been following it all. >> reporter: the bottom line is the white house is saying the talks have progressed further
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today than they have in several days. you mentioned that phone call happened just about an hour ago by john boehner. joe carney at the podium was saying they both felt the conversation went well. there's not a deal but they agreed all sides need to keep talking. kind of road block if you will right now seems to be that what the president wants is to extend the debt ceiling for a long period. not just six weeks like speaker boehner's been talking about. but also wants to reopen the government without any strings attached. and then says he's enter broader budget negotiations. the problems is that speaker boehner and others, senate republicans as well, want to add various strings. whether it's change, to the president's health care law, other issues. as you know, the president's position here throughout has been he's not going to negotiate under the threat of a possible
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default and he's not going to negotiate over reopening the government. but once those two things happen and those threats are gone, then he will have these broader talks. that's the sticking point. can they have -- because the white house won't call them a negotiations but continue to have these talks with republican, not call them negotiations see mantically, and still move the ball forward? it's looking like maybe early next week they could have a deal as they iron these differences out. there's a lot of pressure on both sides. for the president, again, he has been saying all along, he's not going to negotiate. look, everyone's finally talking. that idea of into the negotiating has fallen apart. if you look at this nbc news/"wall street journal" poll today, it suggested the republicans are getting more blame for this government shutdown and there's political pressure on them to end all this. >> another episode of semantics gymnastics from the white house. what's your takeaway? >> do we get to ask ed a question? >> no. >> no? >> just before the show started,
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we said no questions for ed. >> oh, we did? >> yes. >> just call me bob beckle. >> no umbrella, ed, either. he's rigorous, let me tell you. it was really raining there. is what i recognized. >> can we get on? >> you were right, you predicted this whole thing. there was a script. this is your world and we're just living in it. >> i appreciate it, you're welcome, too. could you answer the question? >> i want to know what your assessment is and what's the president's next step from a communications perspective? >> i think he just hold. if i were the white house. why would you negotiate? it sounds to me like they had a good conversation. they'll figure it out next week. which is what we all said. when the debt ceiling deadline was coming up which is october 17th, next thursday, that this would get solved before that. >> we all said that, huh? >> i said that. >> you did. >> anything the president can say or do now that is going to move the ball one way or another
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with this tug-of-war going on politically? >> i think what's most important for him is preserving his ego. he says he does not want to operate under the threat of default. but that's exactly what he's doing. that's why he's having him to the white house. i think it's more important for him to appear as if he's not really negotiating. that he gets the government reopened. but the most important thing for speaker boehner is to lock like he's bringing back something, some kind of concession to the republican party. now -- >> his speakership's on the line with this. >> he has a very divided conference. he's got a very stressful situation right now. again, if i were him, i would have had a better, i think, more united message on what republicans really want. they have been all over the map. i mean, to bob's point, and i've said this, they should have just let obama own this. let the media report on obama care. and let it go. now, we're not in that situation. what i don't understand is why they couldn't get around one central negotiating point like stripping the irs of the ability to enforce the obama care taxes
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and introduce some taxpayer bill of rights and let the president defend the irs, but they've been all over the place messaging. so we'll see what they get. because i think there isn't, you know, unification in terms of positioning of what they really believe should happen. you've got one function having a certain outcome specific they want to achieve. another group saying let's try and reach a compromise. so there you have it. the schism. >> today's about the senate too. about the kolbs deal. where senator collins joined in with other women. i guess if you want anything solved in this country, clearly by the format of the cast of "the five" today get a woman involved. you have murkowski and ayotty combined. they're saying, get rid of the medical device tax and we can lift everything. also let's agree there's comprehensive reform down the line and some immediate conferree's names to start talking about getting our deficit under control. i think that's moving. at the same time, with that ed
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henry report about what the house is saying. i need to know if john boehner still has this. what is going to make the president truly look at tax refor, tax structure, deficit under control? except for, shake this hand, i will do it later. so do they have to hold back the funding of the government in order to guarantee the president's going to negotiate? >> we play senator graham and get some insight about what's going on. this is going to be all you, bob. you've been smiling all week. this is going to be your additional happy moment. lindsey graham first. >> there's a deal to be had to reopen the government, raise the debt ceiling in the next 48 hours that also will relieve some of the pain caused by the affordable health care act. >> 24 hours ago, i thought the house was locked down and incapable of producing a product. now i'm of the opinion the house is ready to go first. and it would be better for the country if the product came out of the house. >> okay, bob?
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>> i was not going to gloat here at all, but your opening about, you know -- it is one side that has all the rope and the other side has very little. but i think, in fact, boehner had no other choice but to do this. that they're not going to close the government anymore. that's over. the polling data has -- it's not only bad, it's getting worse. obama care has increased in popularity the last week. because it's any better? no. because the republicans are taking that much more heat. nobody agrees. the republicans are in terrible political shape. before this, they were in good political shape. why they snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, i don't know. here it is, you're going to have a deal, it's going to lift the debt ceiling. probably a little longer. the way you talk about taxes, tax reform is something the democrats need. i think you'll find they want to
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go into those negotiations. >> that's a huge bill to move. >> they'll do it in pieces. i don't think they'll do it all at one time. the entitlement piece is something that will get done. everybody's sort of ignored the fact that obama said to change the formulation for social security, which saves hundreds of billions of dollars. if i were the republicans, i'd grab that one right away. obama held firm and it was a good thing he did and politically he came out of this thing in very good shape. >> you would concede we're a long way away from 2014, and one of the -- >> oh, yes. >> okay, we're in this predicament now, republicans. i think people have short-term memories. i don't think this is going to matter very much. i don't think you'll be smiling for long. >> no, listen, this campaign business, i buy into -- dana made this point. the senate for the democrats is a terrible situation. because our incumbents are up in red states.
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open seats are going republican. in the house, the house will lose some seats only because frankly it's time for some nuts on the right to get beaten and they will. >> my point is it's not over. if you remember going up to the ted cruz philfilibuster, he spe for that amount of time. if you talk to john boehner the week before, it was going to get raised without a problem. i think they're a long way. because this deal is out. it's leaked out it now let's see if there's going to be some pushback. the same thing that brought ted cruz to the floor. there's going to be a pushback about the possibility of raising the debt ceiling and not getting enough for it. >> you need to have something to push with. you had nothing. it's over. it's done. it's only a question of writing the details. >> your feeling is they don't have anything to push because the polls are only moving against republicans? >> not only that, their own supporters. particularly businesspeople saying, are you kidding me? >> somebody in the center of all this, the middle of the discussion, is ted cruz.
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>> well, can cruz show us how it was a success? what was his end game? look, everybody was excited. it was a great filibuster, wonderful speech. what exactly -- how exactly was he going to achieve abolition of obama care? how he ever explained it? and where is he now? >> what's the fallout for ted cruz? >> one of the places where he was today was the value voter summit. he gets heckled by the left. if you're on the right and you're ted cruz, you probably think you're not doing enough to raise the ire of people if you're not getting heckled. he handled that well. what they will tell you is sometimes the status quo needs to be shaken up. but the point, to what end, then, is the shake-up? >> if you end up winning in 2014, maybe everybody looks back
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and go, wow, that was brilliant. on the poll, it was really bad for ares, but for the last two day, we've been talking about the ap poll that showed president obama down to 37% approval. the polls cut both ways. >> it's really -- >> can i just say one thing about my new friend, best friend, teddy cruz, is that i think he come out of this smelling really well. again, i want to reiterate my point that he ought to be the republican nominee for president in 2016. i endorse him personally. >> i know, here we go. >> maybe he should put michele bachmann on the ticket with him and then the republicans -- >> quit living on fantasy island with mr. roark, it's not happening. >> obama care is not going away. the president's poll numbers have slid as well. republicans, i will concede -- here's what he did. he put republicans on record as being against obama care. officially. that is one good thing. number two, for ted cruz
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personally, he has burnished his credentials as a leader, as someone who's opposing obama care. if he decides to run in 2016, there will be no question where he stands. >> how can you -- >> those things change, bob. at least he showed himself to be a man of substance and character that's not afraid to stand on principal and show some integrity and not just cave because it's politically expedient. >> what do i think? i think it is three, four months down the line. let's see what comes out to raise both debt ceilings. and then see what happens four or five months from now. the short-term memory of most people. because we're in the middle. we're caught up in it. everywhere we go, they're talking about it. for the most part -- i talk to people a lot in the bathroom -- >> what? >> well, i don't have a -- >> not like that. >> thank you. what i'm trying to say is people have short-term memory. if things can get on track, people will forget who won who
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lost. >> i have a point to make and then we have to wrap. i'm going to suggest you should come up with a different nickname for ted cruz. because there's the great liberal senator ted kennedy is known as teddy. friendly advice, i think you should have a different nickname. >> schoolled by dana. >> straight ahead on "the five," should we get rid of everyone in washington? a new poll says a lot of americans like the idea. we're going to break down the numbers. and a little later, megan kelly is stopping by for some madness here. we've started the week on her show. and she's wrapping up the week on ours. don't miss it. hi, i'm terry and i have diabetic nerve pain. i worked a patrol unit for 17 years in the city of baltimore. when i first started experiencing the pain, it's, it's hard to describe because you have a numbness...
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go long.
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i want you to get up now. i want all of you to get up out your chairs. i want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it and stick your head out and yell, i'm as mad as hell and i'm not going to take this anymore. >> that was the famous 1976 movie "network."
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americans are fed up. look at this, a new ap poll. president obama isn't trusted. the anti-d.c. mood doesn't stop there. a poll says 60% want every member of congress booted out of there. and 78% think the country is headed in the wrong direction. so what's the root of all this? in a country founded on the idea offreedom, 88% think the government runs the people and only 8% think the people run the government. so kimberly, throw all the bums out. i do think there is -- >> can i fix the bums? >> you can fix the bums. i think people aren't following this as closely as -- on his ipad right now -- >> i want to make sure you didn't -- >> going back to college, online, for politics 101. >> there's a mood of discontent and distrust. i also have to say, you elected this president, this administration. so it's a little bit of, what,
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buyer's remorning? people are upset? so do something about it the next time you have the ability to exercise your vote. that's what i think. >> did you really just say that? >> yes, i did. >> can i ask you a question? bob, isn't the issue, even though most people see a problem with congress, they don't apply it to their own personal member of congress. >> this time, for all the years i've done polling, that's always been the case. they separate out -- they're mad at congress but they love their member of congress. this time around, not only in this poll, but in individual polls, you see them from around the country, what were safe democratic seats and safe republican seats are beginning to erode. it may be short-term memory and it will fall back in by next year. but i have never in all the years i've done politics, i've never seen numbers like this. it will tell you how bad it is. obama yesterday, obama's been taking hits for months, but this is about overall the congress
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both democrats and republicans. i mean, to be down at 9%. the guy that used to break into my house would do better than that. >> this has been coming for a long time. recently, since obama's been president. >> no, not specifically. since they closed the government down. >> there hasn't been ability to work together. there hasn't been a president who's acted like reagan who would get both sides to agree. or even clinton be who had his moments of doing that as well. >> so what can the parties do to start winning some curry with the american people? >> the election season, the gallup poll showed the fewest number of people identified with either party in the history of the gallup poll. 60% of people say they aren't -- they don't label themselves as with any party. so republicans in this 48-hour fight, yes, maybe it looks a little bad. maybe there are some more undecided voters available.
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especially younger voters. older voters are starting to -- there's going to be a concern that entitlement reform will mean smaller benefits for them and that's when you'll see democrats probably take up some of those votes. >> i conducted an informal poll here at the fox news channel. you have very high approval ratings. >> thank you very much. >> did you pay her? >> don't interrupt. >> can i play a montage of the president? do you think the president talking about all these other issues instead of the most important topics of the day, take a listen and the reason why -- >> well, just -- >> cambridge police acted stupidly. i don't know what's in rush limbaugh's heart. the reason i called, is because i thought about malia and sasha. when trayvon martin was first shot, i said that this could have been my son. if i were the owner of the team
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and i knew that there was a name of my team, even if it had a storied history that was offending a sizable group of people, i'd think about changing it. >> we couldn't poll the footage him doing his espn brackets. >> he do every year. you had four years to choose from. >> maybe this is the reason, he wants to talk about pop culture but not about the real issues? >> i think the new york giants should change their name because tall people are getting upset they're named after the giants. >> right, we got it. >> here's the thing, the president of the united states weighs in on a lot of things. the american people have a lot of opinions. they put people in office and they say do exactly what you got elected to do. and when people don't compromise, we get mad at legislatures. we say, why aren't they compromising? really? but you also sent them up there to do exactly what they said
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they were going to do. bob beckle will never do anything that ted cruz wants him to do. there's no compromise. the people who put them in office have no right to be mad at their legislators if they don't budge on anything. >> i would sit down -- >> but you would never agree with anything. >> in this poll it used to be we figured 40% in campaigns, 40% would be republican, 40% democrat, 20% -- that number now has fallen down into the mid-20s for both democrats and republicans. people are republicans, democrats, they register that way. this country is in more state of flux than we've ever seen it before. nothing but nothing's going to surprise me next time. >> could it be also the stories we heard this week about the government not willing to pay death benefits for military members? >> yes. >> one of the things that's required is take care of our men and women in uniform.
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a number of us, members of congress, with calling, tv personality, are calling for chuck hagel, the department of defense secretary, to resign. take a listen. >> the secretary of defense chuck hagel should have said get this done. we're not going to stand for it. i think chuck hagel needs to think about offering his regu r resignation over this. >> this needs to be corrected immediately. >> hagel, carney, all of them, go. you don't want to serve the people, go. you can make a lot of money in the private sector. you know, i'm tired of this. >> you think this is the reason for frustration? because nobody is held accountable? >> yes, but think about it, for good reason, people are upset. it's one of the most shameful things that comes out of this. where we're not honoring the military. it's despicable. it's not something i ever thought i'd see in this country. in terms of the overall viewpoint of american's dissatisfaction with congress, with the house, with the senate, with the presidency.
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it's systemic. comes down from the top. i would like to see some leadership. to say, let me settle this, let me work this out and let me make the decision as commander and chief about what services we're going to provide. >> the lack of leadership. we're showing you a series of clips. who cares what he thinks about the redskins. about these domestic cases that should be debated elsewhere. number two, important to realize that you should get elected not being afraid to not get elected. if you get elected and you do what you're supposed to be doing, this is not a $5 trillion job. >> with all due respect, for o'reilly -- chuck hagel's a highly decorated veteran. he knows what he's doing. if he wants to put on the uniform and go out and stand watch some place, fine. >> look, it doesn't do anything -- because you were a hero and -- it makes you a great secretary of defense in your 60s? listen, show some leadership. >> are you telling me -- >> -- he should --
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>> -- because he was a drunk -- >> what are you talking about? it's not acceptable. call a press conference. >> no heads rolled on anything. from benghazi to the irs. no one's held accountable anywhere. >> i think asking for hagel's resignation was extreme. nobody should use the military as pawns. there was a mistake that ways made. people worked to correct it. i think that -- republicans need to stop continuing to ask for things that are never, ever going to happen. i think asking for his resignation is a little too much. i'm not the biggest chuck hagel fan but, come on, we've made our point. >> bob's in love with you now. >> bob can be your campaign manager. >> don't go anywhere. >> when we come back, megan kelly will be right here. the kelly file debuted on monday. it has been a great day for her. she'll tell us about it. and then we'll have some fun
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stuff with miss kelly. so don't miss that. we're coming right back.
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♪ it just takes some time ♪ everything will be just fine really good. all right, welcome back to "the five." we are happy, now we're joined at the hip to a woman everyone is talking about this week. her hit show debuted monday. she's been crushing her competition. "the five" joined her on monday night. and she joins us now. welcome. you've had a great week. >> it's been exciting. thank you for coming on, helping me on monday night, on our big launch night. >> it was great. can we get your take on the government shutdown? you had, in particular, on the
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kelly file, the military benefit piece that you broke and it got solved this week. must feel good. >> it does feel good. i was talking to somebody this week, saying, look, it's not that we're doing an opinion show at 9:00 p.m. but that one is a no brainer, right? there's no controversy. democratic republicans saying, get it fixed, get it fixed. to with your nonsense. there are grieving families who are not going to get to go to dover. so get off your high horse and cut a check. nobody wants to hear this nonsense. like, shut up, right, and fix it. so that is what we broke on wednesday night with duncan hunter. and he is the guy, you know, he's done three tours of duty. he cape out and said, this is outrageous. we saw this coming. we tried to fix it. we sent it over to the pentagon and the pentagon decides on its own, you didn't. no one calls up and says, hey, send us something else. they just let it lie. until the press got a hold of
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it. >>cy in a lot of ways, i think that presep tated this resignation thing coming now. that one story was bad enough and these -- began to think, what else is going to be out there? let's get it done so there's no more horror stories. nobody won on that. it's certainly something that would seem like a -- isn't it amazing how many things seem like no brainers and then you say, gee, that was a no brainer. >> you were talking about hagel. i don't know if this is on hagel. certainly the pentagon could have done more than it did. the thing that really stung me was he went to dover for the first time in his seven months as secretary of defense on tuesday. that video of him standing there while the bodies are coming in. he'd never been before. and 113 of them have come home during his tenure. he goes for these five in the middle of this?
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>> politicians by nature when they make a big mistake this tend to try to fix it really fast. when it's fixed, it's so obviously political, it doesn't work for them. >> it makes you think, do they think we're stupid? we just went through polling that shows a dissatisfaction with both parties. you kicked off your show on monday. like him or hate him, he's standing for what he bleaelieve in. how are your viewers take the shutdown story? >> a lot of people are applauding cruz for bd standing on principal. i get what you said about how, look, this isn't working out well for the republicans. i think the facts show that, right? so that's not that controversy to say that. but i think senator cruz and others like him were sent to the congress to do exactly what he's doing. to stand on principle. to buck the establishment. to stand against obama care. let's face it, from the time it was passed, has never had the majority support of the american
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people. this is something that was rammed down their throats by a vote. remember, they had the 60 votes in the senate and then they didn't and they couldn't get it and they changed the procedural rules? a lot of people in this country hate it. >> yeah, but it's going to -- >> the question is whether it's going to help people who already do have health care. >> one second here -- >> the main story, doesn't work. you can't even get it -- >> wait a second. when cruz began to do that, right, ever since then, obama care has increased -- not just in one poll but four. in the last week, it's gone up. now, why is that? two reasons. one, i don't think they knew anything about it before. they got a little education. secondly, the idea of using something like that as a political ploy, as the tea party people have done, is just not acceptable. >> is it a political ploy or is it they really hate it and they want it gone? >> small government conservatives -- >> but is it worth shutting down
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the whole government and putting the whole faith and credibility of the united states -- >> you act like they're just doing it -- >> i think those people are absolute wing nuts -- >> -- support, right, and that's what they'ren enestanding on, t do not want it, that it is deeply flawed. then they should do their job. they shouldn't get their paycheck if they're not -- >> we come back to this, it's the law of the land. there are other ways to do it. >> don't you think the way they framed it, defunding, taking away, removing money. i think they could have done it differently. >> they went from funding to delay. >> it was all over the map. they didn't have a -- >> i think cruz is -- i mean, he's a neophyte legislature. he spend his life practicing law. he was solicitor general for the state of texas. which is the top appellate ar e argueer.
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it's sort of "mr. smith goes to washington." i'm not a career politician, i'm just here to tell you what i stand for. >> if you go on wikipedia, ted cruz, the break of his career was being your first guest. >> can i tell you something, my first question on my first show to my first guest was, what's it like to be the most hated man in america? because we started with all these sound bites. right. sorry. people calling him the devil. let me just tell you, in the mainstream media, that got picked up like nothing else. like, you know, she must hate him. look what she said to him. it's been really interesting to me how people who have their own agenda want to spin. this was asked in good spirit. it was right after the sound bite. amazing what the agendas are. >> probably the best one of his career right there. >> we've got some breaking news. we're going to check in with
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shepard smith. >> fox news has just con firmed that the 2-year-old son of adrian peterson has died this afternoon. the little boy was in the care, it's our understanding, of his mother's boyfriend, who was charged just this morning of two different counts of aggravated battery on a child. now that child has died. the victim's name is officially being withheld out of respect for the family. adrian peterson held a news conference today. said that he will be playing this sunday. he said that god doesn't give you troubles that you cannot bear. not his son adrian jr. but another of his children died today. and from complications of what has been described to us as anything but an accident. and believed to have been a beating of this 2-year-old child. a man named patterson is the one who is being charged here. joseph robert patterson made his first court appearance and is being held in lieu of $750,000
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cash bond. the suspect is now being held in how of thlou of that bond and te trying to decide whether other charges will be necessary. in light of the fact this child has died. one would suspect that they will. updates on this story throughout the day. i'm shepard smith at the fox newsdesk. "the five" continues after this. for seeing what cash is coming in and going out... so you can understand every angle of your cash flow- last week, this month, and even next year. for seeing your business's cash flow like never before, introducing cash flow insight powered by pnc cfo. a suite of online tools that lets you turn insight into action.
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enlarg or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about e only underarm low t treatment, axiron. all right, "the five" is back with megan kelly. she's the host of "the kelly file" with airs at 9:00 eastern time whether you like it or not. the nobel peace prize was awarded today to the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons. that's the group trying to dismantle the chemical weapons that syria has. a lot of people, including the wondering if it was going to this wonderful 16-year-old
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malala. she is the 16-year-old who was shot last year by the taliban for speak out on behalf of little girls. she's in the united states right now. listen to her response on what she would do if the taliban tried to shoot her again. >> i used to think that the taliban would come and he would just kill me. but then i said, if he come, what would you do, malala? then i would reply to myself, malala, just take a shoe and hit him. but then i said, if you hit the taliban with your shoe, then there will be no difference between you and the taliban. you must not treat others with that cruelty and harshly. you might go to peace and dialogue and communication. >> she was shot in the face last year. woke up six days later. was fixed, was saved in pakistan, brought to britain, and now is still fighting, megan. how could she be runner u. ener
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any human being? >> doesn't that clip make you want to be a better person? >> it's really moving. it makes you want to be a better person. makes you want to try harder and improve the country and improve your relationships and be more like her. and so i don't really give two figs whether she gets this prize or not. you know, it's got sort of a -- there's been an interesting list of people who have gotten it, all right. she inspired people around the world in a way that the recipient organization hasn't. i'm not saying their efforts are not worthy. but her -- her message and her strength are what matters. and she's made her point. >> i've been in afghanistan three types i guess over the years. the idea of standing up to the taliban, the courage that takes. >> after getting shot. >> yes, after getting shot. the way they treat girls and women in afghanistan is outrageous. and yet to be willing to stand up to that.
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and then say, i'd be willing to forgive. >> what she's accomplished i think is so great compared to what, you know, most people accomplish in a lifetime. the message and the way she delivers it. it reminds you of leaders like mlk or gandhi. really motivates people. >> when you see d.c. so divided on these issues of government funding and you look at the issue of rad dal islam, both parties share a common enemy and it's upsetting they can't come together on the prosecution of women that radical islam does and all these other groups that the democrats and republicans should be united on and united on how awful and intolerant radical islam is instead of making apologies for it. >> pattern of big organizations like "time" magazine, remember, they can't name a person, they have to name the protester. the nobel peace prize is going to the chemical weapons watchdog office. rather than something
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aspirational like president obama's win of the -- >> every kid in the world would be forced to read about this. she's going to get a lot of publicity. >> on that front, diane sawyer had an exclusive interview with her and that's going to air -- diane sawyer's coming on our show tonight to preview it. the clips, i mean, you'll get chips. you will get chills. >> tonight, right? >> -- pakistan -- >> we'll try to get out of here on time. >> siv watched your show. quick break now. megan is not going anywhere. would women rather spend time with their girlfriends or their husbands or their boyfriends? we have the surprising results by a great organization. patty. we'll see what the ladies think. ♪ [ crashing ] [ male announcer ] when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast with tums.
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heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum tums!
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once again, i have no idea what that music is. welcome back to "the five." a new study says women would spend more time with their girlfriends over their own husbands. big deal. a third say it's easier to talk about serious issues with their friends. a quarter think their friends
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are the ones who know them really well. as opposed to their husbands and boyfriends. kimberly, let me start -- let the four women here start and then we'll bring up the droppings. >> that's it? >> do you believe it? >> i think so. i think so. because, you know, for me i get along very well with my girlfriends. i find very easy to speak to. they give very good advice. they're trustworthy. you can't go wrong. men, they don't understand. then they say the wrong thing. then you get irritated and you're like why did i even try to talk to you to begin with. >> do you have somebody in mind? >> lots. >> her five husbands. >> awe. >> you. do you think it's true? >> i think it can be true. i don't necessarily find it true. i enjoy the time with my beau, but i also enjoy -- i think there's nothing better when you get with your best girlfriend or sister and you have a drink and you're bonding. i do think that's magical. and sometimes guys really don't want to talk about shoes and gossip and that kind of stuff. >> are you kidding?
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>> we're running out of time for megyn. >> i don't want to be with your husband and don't talk to him, you married the wrong guy. first feedback i want. but there is something different when you have a drink with your girlfriends and go to a different place, there's a different energy to it. so i understand what they're saying. by the way, number one favorite woman, judge judy who's coming on my show tonight, god bless her. i'm so excited. >> she gives you shivers. >> i can't wait to be her friend. >> i don't think i have any girlfriends in new york. >> what are we? hello! we have socialized many times. >> why do you say that? >> this is not -- >> okay. >> i don't have any friends. >> dana -- >> do you want to say something? >> i want to say something. i want to say something. there's also a part of this study that says women would rather be alone than anybody else. so you would pick girlfriends to being alone to being with a guy. the number one polling place in all the world. >> i got to get out of here.
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there's work cost of shoes under this table right now with the exception of brian and mine. >> we can solve the deficit. >> thank you for joining us. please come back again. make sure you watch megyn tonight on "the kelly file" 9:00 p.m. eastern. one more thing is up next. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] eeny, meeny, miny, go. ♪
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it's called -- [ laughter ] i'm going. just play the video. is it real or fake? >> who is she talking about? >> this viral sensation. so you see this as he's catching the knives but now it's a big deal as to whether or not it's fake. take a look and decide for yourself. people are dissecting it frame by frame and you see the look on her face. >> they try to sell this one more thing to me and i didn't take it. >> i'm an easy sell. all right. andrea's squinting. >> a quickie -- >> let's go. frank on "fox and friends" this morning. check it out. >> ask a question to someone who doesn't want to answer, they just say stuff that doesn't relateify to what you're talking about. i was one of those guys. i'm a former president, man. what i would do is create a law. no stalemates. [ laughter ] that's a good one, man.
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>> i miss him so much. >> go ahead. >> i am next? okay. so i usually don't have anything to promote and i have no friends, tonight i'm promoting, he's hosting o rilely. i predict something is going to happen hilarious. you're not going to want to miss it. and sunday i'm going to be on chris wallace's show with george will who i used to plan my sunday church around so i could see him on tv. and i might faint. >> maybe he'll be your friend. >> make it quick. let's go. >> lance armstrong and sheryl crow used to date, at which time according to this book that sheryl crow witnessed him doping and shooting up and doing all this stuff. >> and didn't say anything. >> but now she evidently gave it and goes to show you if you're going to date someone famous, don't break up with them. >> first of all, let me say i don't have anything to promote. this is actually serious. british scientists think they've
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come up with the beginning for a cure for alzheimer's, one of the most devastating diseases we have in this world. having said that, it's been a pleasure. bryan, nice having you here. >> thanks for watching. see you on monday. have a great weekend everybody. "special report" is next. negotiation breaks out in washington despite the president's promise not to negotiate until the shutdown is over and the debt ceiling is raised. but what happens next? this is "special report." good evening. i'm bret baier. two sides that seemed infinitely far apart days ago now appear to be heading toward each other as we head into the second weekend of a government shutdown and final weekend before the debt ceiling. we're at the white house with


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